First the denials, then when caught red handed, the denial is twisted into a “so what”. How many arrests of people in his inner circle? How many times does he have to outright lie right to all of our faces, not fake news , bend our laws to suit his needs, hide his information from we the people? – BELIEVE HIM.

For thoseΒ  who think it’s OK for a draft dodging pussy grabbing tax evading lying cheating adultering porn star fucking reality TV President to abuse his power, to ask outside FOREIGN HOSTILE entities for help in his re- election, to withhold aid to foreign entities in exchange for help in his re election, to lie almost daily and sometimes multiple times in a day, to hide his finances from us, to mock and slander generals and intelligence community and women and children and gold star families and military who “had a headache” whose immediate family gains FAR more nepotistic benefit in the White House and financial gain opportunities than Hunter Biden or Chelsea Clinton or any other you want to smear or bring up ever could, conflicts of business interest in every fucking major country, is continuing to trash animal welfare and environmental welfare… he is truly one disgusting human being on every fucking level.

This is not about guns or rights or the economy or jobs or immigration – there are many problems that need solving and I happen to agree with talking points and solutions all across the political spectrum.

This is no longer a “Oh, this is just politics, they all lie, they all cheat” thing – This man is the devil. FOR GOD’S SAKE Believe him when he shows you who he is. I am so sad for this country, I am sad for what the GOP has turned into, not the Republican Party of my younger days and more importantly I truly thought we were a better nation, a more decent people. I’m seeing people I know mock teenagers, mock women for their looks, mock victims of sexual assault, mock women for standing up for women’s rights, (are you kidding me? How quickly we forget, or how ignorant we truly are, which is it?) Jew hate , gay hate, Immigrant hate, black hate, white hate, brown and yellow hate – racism is alive and well and stoked by the fires of the ignorant would-be King who spews garbage all over his social media regularly as do the hate groups that embrace him. The irony of the religious who support him!

Today’s outcome via the spineless bought and paid for GOP proves there are no checks and balances, we are a sea of fools adrift without a moral sail or rudder and we will be the cause of our own decline. We already are. Truth no longer matters, decency no longer matters, Greed will be our end. For those of you who will mock this post, Fuck you. You’ll never meet a kinder soul, and I’d give you the shirt off my back regardless of our differences if you needed it, that’s exactly why this is so horrifying to someone like me, to see the complete moral destruction of the fabric of this nation.

– Not a fucking snowflake, Not a Dem, not a Liberal, not a Republican – just an ordinary decent resident of these United States, Heartbroken for us all πŸ’”

28 thoughts on “WTF”

  1. Yes, it is that bad. Nothing but our republic is at stake and may have just taken a stake through the heart.
    This would be the time, before the final Senate vote, for Bolton and Kelly to step up to the plate and spill the beans on everything relevant that they know. That may change no votes in the Senate but it will show the country what cowardly sycophants the GOP senators are. With Bolton’s info out there those senators will look even worse when they vote to acquit.
    And don’t think for one minute Susan Collins was showing any courage voting for witnesses. She had Moscow Mitch’s permission because he did not need her vote. Romney did it on his own and may pay a price.

  2. Of the Empire by Mary Oliver, American Poet
    We will be known as a culture that feared death
    and adored power, that tried to vanquish insecurity
    for a few and cared little for the penury of the
    many. We will be known as a culture that taught
    and rewarded the amassing of things, that spoke
    little if at all about the quality of life for
    people (other people), for dogs, for rivers. All
    the world, in our eyes, they will say, was a
    commodity. And they will say that this structure
    was held together politically, which it was, and
    they will say also that our politics was no more
    than an apparatus to accommodate the feelings of
    the heart, and that the heart, in those days,
    was small, and hard, and full of meanness.

  3. Karen, please take care of yourself. I think I commented on FB recently that I had to stop watching the news or even listening to it at Christmas time. I confess I have peeked a few times but my blood pressure goes sky high and I continue to be amazed and full of disbelief that things have gotten this bad and that he continues to get away with everything and that his fellow republicans have all sold their soles. They will all pay the price in the end but not until that idiot is out of the office and I am afraid that won’t be for another four years. How one person could do so much destruction to the entire planet in three short years would be unbelievable if I hadn’t been witnessing it myself.

    1. You’re right, Phyllis. I decided that’s my last rant for a while on this. I’m sending donations to up and comings who can oust these idiots and I’m looking at the news far less. It’s the only path to staying sane, and healthy. He and they will not take that from me.

  4. I couldn’t have said it better myself Karen. It’s nice to know that I am not going crazy and that there really are other people who think like me. Believe it or not, there are more and more people that think like you and I and I do find it heartening.

    As my mom always said, “just wait, be patient, they will get their’s in the end”. It may take a bit longer than we all hoped, just be patient.

    Now, head down to Stella and breath in some of that bracing sea air. It’s supposed to be darn near 50 here in upstate NY on Monday.

    Oh..and even if you are not a football fan, you just gotta watch the commercials…there’s one with Sam Elliot, keep an eye on his horse. (made me laugh out loud!) My favorite so far is called “smaht pahk,” “the ad is set in Boston and features actors Chris Evans, Rachel Dratch, and John Krasinski, all local celebrities. The ad involves an animated discussion about whether or not a car can squeeze into a tiny parking spot, but the heavy Boston accents make their conversation hilarious.”

    Try not to let all the bad news get you down. Worrying does nothing but shorten your life.

    1. Cheryl, in the last week alone I have been down to Stella three times, just to get the hell away from the screen, the news, the ugly. And.. I am a football fan! AND I LOVE those two commercials… hilarious! Sam’s mustache!!! LOL… And because I am from Staten Island, NY, I can nail that accent perfectly, it’s very close to Statnilan tawk. πŸ™‚ I hope all is well in your neck o’the woods.

  5. You put it all out there, girl, in a way most would be afraid to say, let alone print it. I agree wholeheartedly with everything, you’ve said. It makes me sick to my stomach to think about what is going on, and I’m afraid for our country. I keep asking my husband why we have to live through these times. He has no answer.

    1. Yes, I have offended some friends who used to read my blog, and I truly don’t care any more. They don’t care what their chosen one is doing to our country – so be it. Thank you for the kind words.

      The answer is, we have no choice, and it beats the alternative. So, let’s all make the best of what we’ve got, make the differences in the little ways that we can -and hope for the best in the years to come.

      1. This is the part of the whole mess that makes me the saddest. I find it SO DAMN hard to put aside my politics and just enjoy a person like I used to. Now when I know a certain thing I enthusiastically hate on them. Gah! And they hate me. My husband and I own a small tax practice north of the Twin Cities and it’s very red up there. I bite my tongue each and every day including with my own sweet assistant that I love like an auntie. I have to force myself to forget she probably has a red hat somewhere in a closet. I want to stop hating. I’m with you 100 percent though. We have to speak out and take that risk because the other side is. No more of the “when they go low we go high.” It’s just not going to work. Apologies Linda Baker for hijacking your comment! <3

  6. Don’t even start me. Two big goals toward which to work: Turn the presidency, turn the Senate. (and Keep the House). Turning the Senate might be the most critical.

    I am appalled, angry, stressed and distressed. The logic doesn’t work, the case was made. Time for Bolton to break out. I’m ready for revolution.

  7. Had a dr appointment on Friday and my BP was thru the roof- He says “so what’s going on?” I said “the collapse of our democracy and the decency of mankind.” He just gives me a look and says “stop watching.” I reply “not watching, just reading.” He raises an eyebrow and says “stop all of it unless you want a heart attack .”

    Went to lunch with a friend and as we talked our unfaithful ex spouses came up, our health, her grandkids, which then led to futures and of course 45. Up until then no tears, but once we really got going about the worlds new presentation both of us got teary eyed. Scared, anxious, furious and ever so very very sad.
    Your mom rocks – of the empire! What a gem.

    and in the spirit of hope and love- My new companion was born yesterday. I don’t know if a he or she will come home but I cried happy tears for the first time in three months. Nervous to hope but the light is creeping in.

  8. I agree with everything you said. He is evil incarnate. I’m wishing my life away by wishing November would hurry up and get here so I can vote him out. Although I’m stressing about that too because I live in Wisconsin and apparently he still has the vote here!!! Even after all we know about how crooked he is and all his cohorts. Now they are saying Cippolone (not sure how to spell it) the lawyer who is defending him was in the room when the phone call took place!!! I hope he gets disbarred. I’m sorry for ranting, I will stop now πŸ™‚
    Thank you for always speaking the truth. At least it makes me feel less crazy.

    1. JO, you are not crazy. None of us are, we are the voice of reason, of rational thought. Let’s hope for the best in November, and please… don’t waste one more day of your precious life on that evil incarnate. That is what he is, as are his enablers.

  9. omg Karen – you truly are my spirit animal.

    I try, but cannot seem to understand this process. I can’t listen to any of the blah blah blahing that goes on CNN or MSNBC or even locally because they just talk around all this crap. No witnesses? wtf Bolton? Saving it for a BOOK? National Security Advisor? I have a small TV on my desk and I had CNN on all week with captions turned on and it was astounding the crap coming out. Belaboring points until I can’t see. And off goes our Idiot-in-Chief to his pandering palace in Florida. I never want to go to Florida again simply because of him. Oh dear – now I’m off and running. Love you Karen.

    1. Love you, too, my friend. Fuck them all , I don’t care how that sounds to absolutely anyone. Funny you mention Florida – a lifetime ago, it seems … I thought I wanted to retire there eventually. He’s ruined it. And that so many down there seem to love him, that mentality… ruined twice over.

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