That’s how many steps it takes to get from my side door to the tack room at the barn. I’m cracking up and I am truly touched by my fellow bloggers concern over the distance I must travel to get from house to barn and back again. I was compelled to go out and count tonight, just so ya know.
This is how I see it…. If I can’t walk 130 steps to and from the barn to feed, muck, water, what-have-you… then I have no business building a barn again, now, do I? I need the exercise!!… You see… I’m gonna brag here for a minute, and I really never brag because it just isn’t me – I’m nothing special and I’m not even gonna try to fool you. But… I have always been in decent shape due to the amount of barn work I’ve done over the years. All you horse people out there know what I’m talking about. (Ofcourse, I can also thank these chores for my awesome back and neck aches and pains too – yeah, there’s that ). I’m sure I’ve paid my chiropractor’s boat payments because of my barn chore history.
Anyway… for the past two years I have become a slug, a SLUG I tell you.. because I have NOT had to walk to the barn and do those chores. Nooo… someone ELSE has been doing that for me on another farm! Oh, I enjoyed the reprieve, but I also missed my horses in the backyard and muscle tone has started to head South. So it’s time to kick this behind back into shape, and those 130 steps are gonna help.